Our purpose is to create more accessible and inclusive yoga spaces for LGBTQ+ folks in a supportive community.
We all have a right to feel safe in our bodies and express our gender, sexuality and identity without fear. We deserve to take up space.
The Queer Yoga Edinburgh group began with a desire for community within more accessible and inclusive yoga spaces for LGBTQ+ folks. Going to something new for the first time can be quite intimidating, especially if you are uncertain if you will feel welcomed, or fit in. Sometimes it can feel as if yoga is only for a certain type of person and your experience is not considered. We aim to break down barriers to accessing yoga and create a space that centres LGBTQ+ experiences.
Joining forces with a team of amazing queer yoga teachers with a shared vision, we began to grow our community. Collaborating together and learning from each other has been a vital part of our development. We share, reflect and grow with the influence from every person that comes along to class or interacts in some way with our group. We have also been supported massively by LGBT Health & Wellbeing - a brilliant resource for other queer community groups, wellbeing support and therapies. Linking up with spaces that shared our values was important - The Salisbury Centre and Lila Yoga Studio have given us a space of sanctuary to be together.
We really acknowledge the courage it takes to turn up to a new group and hope to give you a space to be however you need to be. Drawing our practice from yoga philosophy we invite you to connect to what resonates for you. Taking some time to notice and perhaps begin to tune in to how you want to be in that moment, maybe some space to explore, stretch, play, or just be, whether that’s in movement or stillness. After class we offer the option to stay for a cup of tea and a chat. Usually we have at least 1 or 2 new people in class.
We would love to welcome you to practice and connect with us. If you’d like to chat or want a bit more information - please give us a message or come along in person.